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Invitation for Bids for Consultancy on the Development and Production of E-learning Courses for the Training of Trainers on System Design in Sri Lanka

发布时间 : 2021/9/15 10:50:42

China-Ethiopia/Sri Lanka Biogas, Biomass and Solar Trilateral Cooperation Project supports Sri Lanka’s GHG emission reduction national targets through trial and demonstration of the potential of biogas, biomass and solar in the agro-industry sector and presents itself as a learning platform for both China and Sri Lanka to engage and cooperate at the international level in renewable energy technology transfer for GHG emission reduction.

The main objective of this assignment is to develop and produce the e-learning courses for the training of trainers on system design in Sri Lanka by either an institution (university/academic institute/research institute/industrial association etc.) or an individual in accordance with this Terms of Reference (ToR). It will help the Sri Lankan trainers better understand the training on system design held in Sri Lanka and jointly conducted by CAU, UNDP Sri Lanka office and SLSEA.

For detailed information (tasks, required skills and qualification etc.) please find in the ToR (Appendix).

Please send the application by Sep 22 to: Or should you have any further questions please send emails to the above address.


Appendix: Consultancy on the Development and Production of E-learning Courses for the Training of Trainers on System Design in Sri Lanka